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How to Clean Your New Home before Moving

Updated: Apr 5

There a lot of separate Portions that on coming together makes a proper home. Before you move in your new home make sure to take care of few necessary things, one of them is the deep cleaning of your home. It does not matter that you have taken your new home on rent or you are buying it, it is very necessary for you to deep clean it before you move in.

Here is the list of the tis that you need to follow when you are cleaning your new home:

Clean the Upper Portions before You Start Cleaning the Lower Ones

It is not prone to find dust on the lower portions of your home such as floors or countertops as they are usually daily cleaned by you. When it comes to the upper portions of your home such as ceiling fans, shelves and lights that are fixed on the top portion of the walls then it is likely that you find dust here. Also cleaning these upper areas will ultimately make the dirt fall on the lower areas that will make them dirty, therefor it is always beneficial to clean these upper areas before you clean the lower areas.

Clean Your Fridge First in Case You are Cleaning Post Move

You can make other of your products wait in normal conditions but when it comes to storing your perishable food you cannot put it into normal conditions for too longs. Therefor it is very important to clean your fridge once you move in your new home. To clean the inner section of you fridge you can use a solution made up by using equal parts of vinegar and water. It will deep clean all the spots and food spill etc from your fridge.

Post Cleaning the Fridge You Need to Clean the Kitchen

The next step you need to take after cleaning your fridge is to clean rest of your kitchen. You can start it by cleaning the light fixtures, corners of the ceiling and the top of your cabinets. Up next is the number of your kitchen appliances: stovetops, oven, microwave, dishwasher and the sink etc. When you are cleaning the cabinets of your kitchen make sure to clean them both inside out. Once all these main items and spaces are clean the next step for you is to clean the floor and countertop of the kitchen. Once the kitchen is clean you can take up the next steps to clean the other rooms of the house, it is very necessary to clean it first because the kitchen is necessary to fulfill your basic need that is feeding yourself.

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